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Compelling Correlation Found between Malaria Eradication and Funding Levels

According to a recent article in The Economist, "The correlation between reduced [malaria-related] deaths and money is fairly strong, much more so than the correlation between conventional aid and economic development." The article serves to highlight the positive links between increased funding and malaria eradication, illustrated below:

The statement was made in reference to a report published in October by the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership entitled "Eliminating Malaria: Learning from the Past, Looking Ahead," which provides a variety of case studies to assess progress made in malaria eradication over the first RBM decade as well as serving to describe best practices in treatment and prevention.

"Seven countries are in the phase of preventing reintroduction and some may soon be ready for certification. Ten countries currently are in the elimination phase and nine countries are in the pre-elimination phase...In 2011, we can now say that the first RBM decade has laid a foundation for long-term success," states the report, authored by RBM in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and PATH.

Posted November 2011

Read more about the Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS) project